Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

10 pekerjaan berisiko penyakit paru-paru

10 pekerjaan berisiko penyakit paru-paru
Nino Satria/stock.xchng
Bahan-bahan berbahaya di tempat kerja yang terhirup dalam waktu lama secara teratur atau dalam jumlah tertentu dapat menimbulkan penyakit paru-paru. Besar kecilnya dampak yang timbul tergantung pada jumlah dan lamanya paparan.

Di Amerika, setiap tahunnya lebih dari 16.000 orang meninggal karena penyakit paru-paru akibat tempat kerja. Kabar baiknya, penyakit pada saluran pernapasan ini bisa dicegah dengan menggunakan pelindung, seperti masker serta menghindari polutan lain seperti asap rokok dan polusi udara.

Berikut adalah 10 bidang pekerjaan yang rawan gangguan pernapasan.

1. Konstruksi
Para pekerja yang menghirup debu di lokasi konstruksi atau renovasi bangunan berisiko menderita kanker paru-paru, mesothelioma dan asbestosis, penyakit yang menyebabkan parut pada paru-paru dan sempitnya saluran udara. Penyakit tersebut biasanya baru berkembang 20-40 tahun setelah terpapar serat asbes dan serat itu menumpuk di paru-paru.

2. Produksi
Pekerja pabrik setiap hari terpapar polutan seperti debu, bahan kimia, dan gas yang membuat mereka berisiko menderita penyakit paru-paru obstruktif kronis. Penyakit ini memiliki gejala utama napas pendek-pendek dan sesak.

3. Tenaga kesehatan
Penelitian menunjukkan 8-12 persen tenaga kesehatan sensitif pada bubuk residu yang ditemukan pada sarung tangan lateks, yang bisa memicu reaksi asma. "Meski kita tidak memakainya, namun berada dalam satu ruangan, bahan lateks itu bisa terhirup dan menyebabkan alergi," kata Dr.Harber Philip, MD, professor and chief of the UCLA Occupational and Environmental Medicine Division

4. Pabrik tekstil
Mereka yang bekerja di bidang tekstil, pengolahan produksi kapas dan serat lain, berisiko tinggi menderita bisinosis. Gejala utama penyakit ini adalah rasa sesak di dada dan gejala mirip asma. Bisinosis diakibatkan karena menghirup serbuk dari tumpukan bahan mentah yang berasal dari tumbuhan seperti serbuk bahan linen, benang atau tali rami.

5. Bartender
Menyajikan minuman di dalam ruangan yang penuh oleh asap rokok menyebabkan bartender berisiko tinggi terkena kanker paru, terutama jika ia sudah bertahun-tahun menjadi perokok pasif.

6. Pembuat roti
Penelitian di Amerika menunjukkan para pembuat roti merupakan kelompok yang berisiko tinggi menderita asma. Selain tepung, debu padi-padian, polen, dan zat pewarna sintetik juga bisa mencetuskan asma. "Pembuat roti yang terpapar partikel terigu sangat berisiko menderita asma," kata dr.Herber.

7. Industri otomotif
Risiko alergi dan asma juga dialami para pekerja di bidang otomotif, terutama di bidang perbaikan badan mobil (auto-body repair). Menghirup partikel industri serta bahan-bahan cat dalam periode lama juga bisa membuat partikel menetap permanen dalam paru.

8. Transportasi
Sopir truk angkutan dan juga sopir kendaraan umum berisiko tinggi menderita penyakit pernapasan. Studi tahun 2004 di Amerika menunjukkan tingginya angka kematian para sopir truk. Polusi udara yang ditimbulkan mobil atau asap pabrik juga bisa meningkatkan kadar ozon dan sulfur dioksida dalam udara. Terpapar polutan ini bisa menimbulkan sesak napas dan mengi pada penderita asma.

9. Pekerja tambang
Orang-orang yang bergelut di bidang tambang berisiko tinggi menderita paru hitam (pneumokoniosis pekerja batu bara) akibat menghirup debu batu bara selama periode sedikitnya di atas 10 tahun. Terpapar silika bebas juga bisa dialami orang yang bekerja di pemecahan batu, pemotongan granit, peledakan gunung pasir dan gunung batu, serta pembuatan jalan.  Pada tahap awal, paru hitam dan silikosis tidak menimbulkan gangguan pernapasan namun bisa berkembang menjadi jaringan paru berparut yang luas.

10. Pemadam kebakaran
Para pemadam kebakaran sering menghirup asap yang mengandung bahan-bahan kimia yang berasal dari perabotan rumah. Berbagai bahan plastik, poliuretan, dan bahan sintetik lain yang sering dipakai dalam perabotan akan mengeluarkan racun bila dibakar. Bahan-bahan ini sangat berbahaya bagi paru dan bisa menimbulkan penyakit akut yang berat. International Association of Firefighter merekomendasikan petugas pemadam kebakaran untuk menggunakan alat pelindung pernapasan pada sekecil apa pun jenis kebakarannya. (AN)

Kata Mutiara II

When God asks you to do something you can't understand, will you do that? I will.

It doesn't matter about who will run or walk, what matter is who will stand til the last.

Anyone who doesn't believe in change, will never changed.

Come close to God, and God will come close to you.

Complaining all the time won't make things better. Give thanks instead.

When a girl doesn't like someone, she will extremely say it loud or talk behind him. But when she loved, she kept it.

When we love, we live. When we stop loving, we don't even know why we do the things we do. That's why we feel empty.

Do not seek perfection in a changing world. Instead, perfect your love.

When you feel so alone, remembering him doesn't help at all. You're just going to miss him.

Love is when you're both in silence but your hearts speak the words of Love.

Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief she is beautiful. Girls, you are beautiful!

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Love is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction.

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

The man who says his wife can't take a joke forgets that she took him.

Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find.

#FriendsForever find breakdowns can create breakthroughs. Things fall apart so things can fall together.

#3Words to sum what I've learned about life. "It goes on."

Happiness will always come to those who succeed to appreciate what they already have.

#3BasicRule : Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

Do not try to live for ever, you will not succeed. Try to love forever, you will remembered.

When life seems so hard too understand, and you're lost. God will never ever stop to guide you and he'll find you.

Love is not just about me, I need you to be in love too. Us, in love, together, how beautiful it is ♥

You can choose to be insecure, keep what world gave or just happy with all u have n what u lose. To be happy is ur choice.

Someday I'll travel the world,see all the greatness of God's creations & be blessed wherever God has put me in.

When you do a simple thing with love. I believe you'll be successful in doing the big things.

The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.

When it hurts to look back, and u're scared to look ahead, u can look beside u & ur best friend will be there.

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

Love doesn't see through colours, money or power, it simply sees from heart through heart. Love completely!

When you do something, do it with love or never do it at all.

You born, you breathe, you crawl, you walk, you run, you play, you learn, you work. Enjoy those blessings before we die.

While Love is like a rose, beautiful and charming, when you want to keep it, you've to hold tighter..and it hurts you too.

When I don't see Your way and when I don't understand Your plan, I hold on Your promise, because YOU are my hope & strength.

Somewhere in my memory, you still live there and ignite my heart. Somewhere in my reality, you already left me.

True love is like teardrop in a rainstorm; you're lucky enough to find it once, but you'll never find it again.

It's not about size, shape, or color. It's about loving yourself.

For each new day, God provides a new blessing. So open your eyes, open your heart. For I'm with YOU, I shall not fear.

If there is no sunshine, just smile. Make your own sunshine in everyone's eyes. Beware! Smile is infecting.

I don't have to be others, I'm proud to be me. He made me uniquely and precious in His eyes.

To realise how great a love is. You've to discover it by loving each other. Life isn't that boring if you Love & be Loved.

When I'm looking up, I see my dreams. When I'm looking down, I realize that God has blessed me so much :)

I'm sorry, I just.. want a love that will last forever. You know, as long as I live, I want to love you.

Distance means so little when someone means so much.

Love the one who love you when you were nothing. Not the one who love you when you have everything within you.

Don't waste your time on your past, there's a hope for us, "All is well" in His time.. everything is gonna be alright ;)

You can fly without knowing how I try. And the time you realised it's already too late. I've a broken heart, not a broken wings.

Will he love you more than I do? Does things like we used to? If the answer is yes, than you deserve him. #LetGo#MoveOn

If a man is brave enough to love you after you broke his heart, I guarantee you, he is the one.

When something bad happens, laugh at yourself. It's time when you grow up and see things differently. It keeps you happy ;)

Don't say "I love you" just because you like it and you can keep him/her. Say it because you mean it, and you feel it.

Love has a deep meaning, where Love understand what can't be understood, feel what others can't feel.

Have faith little one ‘til your hopes and your wishes come true. You must try to be brave.

Sometime the best way to let go is just let yourself cry. Tears are just a matter of time to turn into rainbow in ur eyes.

Remember that God has a plan for our life give us courage to overcome any obstacle.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Distance = Nothing; when someone means everything.

If tears are the rain, I wish a sunshine to make my tears turn into a beautiful rainbow, so I won't be sad.

Pilih Makanan Sekaligus Selamatkan Bumi

Gadis Aksi
Untuk ikutan menyelamatkan bumi, ada banyak cara gampang yang bisa kita lakukan. Salah satunya adalah dengan memilih makanan kita. Soalnya proses produksi dan asal makanan bisa bikin perubahan buat nasib bumi kita. Masih belum nyambung? Simak penjelasannya berikut ini!

Go Local
Memilih makanan yang berasal dari daerah dekat kita jauh lebih baik daripada makanan yang diimpor atau diproduksi di pulau yang berbeda. Kenapa? Soalnya makanan yang diimpor atau pun diproduksi jauh dari tempat tinggal kita,  membutuhkan perjalanan yang jauh untuk sampai ke tempat kita. Pengangkutan makanan itu pastinya menghabiskan banyak bensin dan menimbulkan polusi udara. Jadi, selama masih bisa pilih makanan lokal, kenapa mesti yang impor?

Go Organic
Makanan organik adalah makanan yang berasal dari tumbuh-tumbuhan organik yang hanya sedikit atau sama sekali nggak memakai pestisida dalam proses penanamannya. Soalnya penggunaan pestisida itu bisa merusak lingkungan. Nah, kalau kita memilih makanan organik, berarti kita mengurangi kerusakan lingkungan.

Less Meat
Peternakan adalah salah satu tempat yang memakai banyak sumber energi untuk mengelolanya. Mulai dari penggunaan air, berbagai jenis mesin yang memerlukan bensin, sampai limbah peternakan yang semuanya bisa berakibat kepada perusakan lingkungan. Makanya, kita mesti coba mengurangi makan daging, nih. Nggak berarti kita harus jadi vegetarian, tapi bakal lebih bagus kalau kita mengurangi konsumsi daging.

Fresh Foods
Seberapa pun praktisnya makanan kemasan atau makanan instan, makanan segar jauh lebih bagus buat keselamatan bumi kita. Nggak cuma karena zat pengawet yang digunakan dalam makanan instan, tapi juga karena untuk mengemas makanan tersebut diperlukan proses produksi yang lebih rumit. Proses pengemasan inilah yang menghabiskan banyak energi dan menghasilkan limbah yang nggak bagus buat bumi. 

10 penyakit mematikan antarspesies

Bakteri dan virus yang mematikan bagi suatu spesies dapat berkembang dengan cepat dan menular ke spesies lainnya. Contohnya adalah flu burung. Penyakit yang ditularkan dari hewan ke manusia atau sebaliknya ini disebut zoonosis. Lebih dari tiga lusin penyakit bisa ditularkan melalui sentuhan langsung dan lebih dari empat lusin lainnya ditularkan lewat gigitan.

Berikut ini adalah 10 penyakit mematikan yang penularannya terjadi antarspesies dan mengakibatkan kematian dalam jumlah besar.

1. "Kepiting" dari gorila
Manusia tertular kutu genital dari gorila sejak 3 juta tahun lalu. Pada tahun 2007, para ahli menyimpulkan penularan kutu yang dikenal dengan nama "kepiting" bukan disebabkan karena tidur bersama gorila melainkan karena tidur di sarang gorila atau memakan gorila.

2. Virus Manusia yang bunuh simpanse
Ekoturisme dituding sebagai peneyebab menjangkitnya wabah penyakit pernafasan smpanse Afrika. Bukti-bukti kuat menunjukkan bahwa d iantara tahun 1999 dan 2006 virus yang ditularkan dari manusia ke simpanse telah membunuh seluruh populasi simpanse di wilayah Afrika Barat. Virus tersebut adalah human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) dan human metapneumovirus (HMPV)

3. Polio, patek, antraks
Ketiga penyakit berbahaya pada manusia ini telah menginfeksi hewan primata. Menurut Fabian Leendertz, ahli epidemiologi alam liar di Robert Koch-Institute, simpanse di Taman Nasional Gombe Steram di Tanzania diduga telah terinfeksi polio dari manusia.

Leendertz juga menambahkan, gorila pun terinfeksi patek dari manusia, penyakit yang berhubungan dengan sipilis namun tidak ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual.

Wabah antraks yang diduga berasal dari hewan ternak yang digembalakan manusia juga pernah membunuh simpanse di Afrika Barat.

4. Ebola
Virus yang awalnya menginfeksi gorila dan simpanse ini kemudian menyebar ke manusia yang mengonsumsi hewan terinfeksi. Sekarang penyakit ini bisa menular dari manusia-ke-manusia melalui kontak cairan tubuh atau darah dengan orang yang terinfeksi. Pada pertengahan tahun 70-an wabah ebola telah membunuh ratusan orang.

5. Kucing besar juga sakit maag
Singa, cheetah, dan harimau mendapatkan bakteri Helicobacter pylori, bakteri yang menyebabkan penyakit maag, ketika dulu mereka memangsa manusia purba. Penyakit ini masih dapat ditemukan pada kucing besar hingga saat ini.

6. Parasit perusak otak
Diperkirakan lebih dari separuh populasi manusia terinfeksi parasit Toxoplasma gondii di otaknya. Parasit ini disebut-sebut bisa meningkatkan risiko neurotisisme dan menjadi pemicu skizofrenia.

Inang utama parasit ini adalah kucing, tempat mikroba bereproduksi. Kucing yang dibiarkan liar akan lebih mudah terkena penyakit ini. Penularan toksoplasma ke manusia biasanya terjadi melalui kotoran kucing.

HIV, virus penyebab AIDS, berasal dari simpanse dan primata lainnya dan diperkirakan menginfeksi manusia pertama kali satu abad lalu. Virus ini merusak kekebalan tubuh manusia dan membuka pintu bagi penyebab infeksi mematikan atau kanker. 

Pada akhir tahun 2007 diperkirakan 33 juta orang mengidap HIV, termasuk sekira 2,7 juta kasus baru di tahun yang sama dan sekitar 2 juta penderita -- termasuk 270 ribu anak-anak -- meninggal selama tahun itu. Sebanyak dua pertiga infeksi HIV terjadi di Sub-Sahara Afrika.

8. Gigitan yang mematikan
Penyakit zoonosis yang disebabkan gigitan binatang terus meningkat dan membunuh ratusan ribu orang setiap tahunnya. Nyamuk menjadi penyebab utama dengan malaria berada di urutan pertama karena telah menginfeksi lebih dari 350 juta orang setiap tahun serta menewaskan lebih dari 1 juta di antaranya. Sebagian besar korban malaria ini adalah anak-anak di selatan Gurun Sahara. Sebanyak 50 juta orang per tahunnya terinfeksi demam akibat gigitan nyamuk, 500 ribu di antaranya dirawat di rumah sakit dan 2,5% penderita meninggal dunia.

9. Wabah pes
Dampaknya yang sangat masif sempat melumpuhkan peradaban dunia. Peristiwa ini dikenal dengan nama Black Death yang juga dikenal dengan wabah pes.

Wabah itu disebabkan oleh bakteri Yersinia pestis yang dibawa oleh tikus dan kucing. Namun bakteri ini menjadi sangat mematikan ketika menular kepada sesama manusia, seperti yang terjadi pada tahun 1300-an. Gejalanya berupa demam, menggigil, lemah, dan pembengkakan kelenjar getah bening yang amat menyakitkan. Bahkan hingga saat ini, penderita yang tidak mendapat perawatan bisa menemui ajal.

10. Wabah influenza
Wabah flu burung dan flu babi beberapa tahun lalu belum seberapa dibandingkan peristiwa terjadinya pandemi influenza di tahun 1918. Sebanyak seperlima populasi dunia terinfeksi dan diperkirakan 50 juta orang meninggal disebabkan wabah yang menyapu dunia dalam hitungan bulan itu. Angka kematian tersebut adalah yang tertinggi dalam sejarah penyebaran penyakit dalam jangka waktu singkat. (Sumber: Live Science)

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Kata Mutiara: TheLoveStories

#realitycheck If you have choices, choose the best. If you have no choice, do the best.

Remember, when you fall for someone, you are falling into a very very DEEP hole. And remember: it's going to take forever to get out.

Don't spend forever trying to figure things out, because many things aren't meant to have answers. Let it be!!!

#realtalk If people are truly, deeply, madly, completely in love with each other... they will find a way.

Girls, don't expect your guy to be Bruno Mars, cause you're just gonna get upset. (sad but true)

If a relationship becomes too painful, let it go & save yourself, you will be able to find new love but never another you!

#lifesrule Don't look down on people. Don't look up to people. Just keep looking ahead and you'll be alright.

#realitycheck Things don't usually come easy. But, when they do, remember, they can leave easily too.

To fall in love is easy. To fall deeper is way easier. What makes it hard is to have the brave to say.

In the end you'll see who's fake, who's true and who would risk it all for you.

It's okay to make mistakes, but it's not okay to make the same mistake over and over again. If u do, then you learn nothing!

Always speak how you feel. Never apologize for what you feel, if you do it's like saying 'sorry for being real'.

Find someone that falls in love w/ ur flaws, helps u throughout ur problems, supports u in your hardest moments & proud w/ ur achievements.

If you truly love someone, then the only thing you want for them is to be happy.... even if its not with you. Just let them happy.

Thanks to all those who lie to you. They only make you see the truth about what kind of person they really are. MOVE ON.

Love is blind, but it's also blinding. You love him/her so much that u can't see what h/she really is & who h/she's changing u into.

#realtalk Being forgiving doesn't make you weak; it proves how STRONG you are.

If you live in the past, you have no future. Forget what you did yesterday, and achieve your goal for today.

Ladies: CUTE guys make u crazy, HOT guys make u drool, COOL guys make u daydream. But FUNNY guys make u fall in love without ever knowing it.

Nothing's going to be easy. This life is filled with twists, ups & downs. Just be happy with what u have, live it with no regrets!

Love is measured during the BAD moments. If u're able to overcome that tough time in a relationship, its because the love was worth it.

Time changes people. But we never change the person we truly are inside. You carry the young innocent person inside u no matter what.

Appreciate what u have, enjoy your life. Because the saying, "life flashes before your eyes" isn't just a saying. It's the truth.

#realitycheck As we grow up, it becomes to difficult to believe. Its not that we dont want to, but too much has happened that we just cant.

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they're going to get, but if u work really hard & you're kind, AMAZING things will happen.

The second you're willing to make yourself miserable to make someone else happy. That's love right there.

Lesson learned: don’t place your happiness in someone else’s hands, because once they’re gone, so is your happiness.

If you're in love with 2 people, pick the second one. If you really loved the 1st, you wouldn't have fallen for the 2nd.

The people who know the least about you, ironically they always have the MOST to say.

An "EX" is called an "EX" because it's an EXample of who you shouldn't go for again in the future.

Don't ever say u aren't good enough, because if h/she can't see how amazing u are, then h/she's the one who's not good enough

No one ever gets tired of loving. But everyone gets tired of waiting, assuming, hearing lies, & hurting.

#realtalk If you don't appreciate people, don't be surprised when people suddenly don't appreciate you.

Yesterday will never come again, but you have today. There's no time like the present. Be thankful for what you have.

Life only comes once. Make sure you're spending it with the right person and living it the right way.
#lifestip Before you can satisfy others, you must first satisfy yourself. It always begins with YOURSELF.

Everyone is going to hurt u, but it’s up to you to decide what is important; the pain or the person.

#Ladies, u deserve better but you'll never receive it until you've given your love to someone who deserves it. 

#lifestip Don't spend your life with someone you can live with. Spend it with the one you can't live without.
Appreciate what you have, enjoy what you have, because be careful, it could be gone in the blink of an eye.

A friend is God's way of showing you He doesn't want you to walk alone.

If u aren't happy being single, u'll never be happy in a relationship. Get ur own life first, then share it with someone.

Ladies: Showing off what you got only attract those who want what you got, NOT you.

Crying doesn't change the situation. Running away doesn't change the facts. Be brave, face everything, face yourself.

The person who's is with you through your worst is the person who loves you at your best.

When u meet someone who makes u laugh for hours about the stupidest things, u know you've found your Best Friend.

Always believe in yourself. Be YOURSELF, because everyone else is taken.

No one can promise u they'll never hurt u, it's a lie. The real promise is if the time u spend together will be worth the pain in the end.

Life isn't hard. People with their needless complications and unnecessary lies make it that way.

I don't care if u have the "number one" spot in someone's life, if u aren't the "ONLY one" why would u want to be in it?

Before judging anyone else's relationship, keep in mind that every lover has a different kind of love.

Letting go is never easy, but holding on can be as difficult. But strength isn't measured by holding on, but by letting go.

People who say breakups with boyfriends or girlfriends are the most painful kind have never had a friend walk away.

Don't judge others. Remember: before u start pointing fingers, make sure YOUR hands are clean.
#rulesforgirls If u're pretty but with a terrible personality & no brain, u might as well throw away ur beauty in a garbage can.

#relationshiptips Don't ever forget in love its always the simple things that count the most!  

Life is investment. Every single thing you do should be for a purpose, to make something bigger than now.

Stop making simple things complicated! Stop w/ the drama! Enough of the time wasting & life wasting! Life's too short! Have fun

Find the person that is going to tell you the truth, even if it means upsetting you. That's your REAL FRIEND.

Lose your pride, lose your patience, lose your mind. But whatever you do, don't lose hope. Miracles happen every second of every day.

"Impossible" is just a fancy way of saying "no on else has figured out a way to do this yet."

#Rulesforgirls If you want men to respect you, show them what you worth. Don't act cheap!

Beauty is NOT how you look, but how you make people feel.

Difference between mind & heart: Your mind tells u what smart to do. Your heart tells u what you're gonna do anyway.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness.

Don't judge others simply by your perceptions and judgment based on their appearance.

Always remember that when everything & everyone looks like they're turning against u... someone out there is always with u.

If anyone ever tells u something like: "You don't really love them" etc. Screw them. They don't deserve love, u know who YOU love.

Don't let anyone tell YOU who YOU should love and who YOU should not. Only YOU should decide what's best for YOU.

Dealing with backstabbers, remember ONE thing: They're only powerful when you got your back turned.

If you like her, if she makes you happy, and if you feel like you know her - then don't let her go.

Ladies, #FACT 87% guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.